Hi vabiii3,
I'll add the following to dmdilks suggestions.
Stick with BIOS F5 or earlier for your 4th gen CPU. You'll ensure better stepping performance, power management and stability sticking with a 4th gen BIOS over 5th gen. [F6, F7]
Make sure the BIOS is properly configured
Set CSM Support Always
Set Storage Boot Option Control to UEFI Only
Set Windows 8 Features to [Windows8]
If you see an option for Secure Boot, enable it
**Do not enable Fast Boot, you don't need it.
When installing Windows, boot to USB with UEFI(prefix), and use shift+F10 to open and command prompt and convert the disk to GPT. Install windows to that partition.
The commands are as follows
Press Shift+F10 to open the command prompt window
Type command: "diskpart"
Type command: "list disk"
Select the drive to use as boot drive
Type command: "select disk" <the number of drive>
Type command: "clean"
Type command: "convert gpt"
Exit the command prompt, select the drive you converted to GPT above and install windows.
If you can see video from the card on your monitor, it will work in windows without issue. User HDMI or DP, no adapters and not to a giant TV.

Any questions, reply back and one of us can assist.