Everything is up and running now

Just installing drivers now after the windows 7 installation (which i kid you not, took all of 5 mins)
Everything is connected right, humming away and no warnings or alerts (infact there was one alert)
While trying to change the cmos a big red box came up and said that the computer had a failed boot beforehand and the H/W status may not be the same as stated
Im unsure if this is just me nitpicking but ill look into it more, when i tryed to bomb out of cmos my pc speaker made a massive screech sound (like it was pretty loud) but after it restarted i went back into cmos and the warning did pop up, but i didnt get the screech a second time
Its odd, ill see how it goes but i dont believe it is anything to worry about
Again i must say thank you to you Mr.Mantis, you have been a great help to me and i wish you all the best, both here and in life
On a kind of seperate note i wish to make a request of the Forum Administrator and/or Moderation Team
My request is pretty simple infact, i know im not on the forums very long and that my words may be disgarded as a stranger rambling on, but
I would want the user known as "Dark Mantis" to become a Forum Moderator
From what i can already tell on the forums, Mr.Mantis has helped alot of people, not just myself
He Holds himself in a high degree of maturity and is a goldmine of knowledge, i believe it to be in the best interest of the forums
If im to be perfectly honest, GigaByte would be crazy to let this person go
Ive been out of the loop in regards to computers for awhile now, and in a very short period of time Mr.Mantis has gotten me back on track and thought me afew new tricks
I wish to make this a formal request for the promotion of this User
Not only for the help he gives others on this forum but also for the help he gives Gigabyte
I also believe he conducts himself in a manner which befits the name Gigabyte, he can joke around with the folks on the forum but when its time to get serious about an issue then he knows to draw the line and get down to work, this tells me he is able to handle the responsibility of being a Forum Moderator
Thank you for listening to my issues and my request
With Respect,