I need help setting up a Raid 0 array on my new PC. I have installed the OS on a SSD, and would like the RAID 0 array to hold my programs.
The hard drives would not shot up on their own after they were put in to Windows 7, 64 bit. They do not show up when they are put in RAID. The system did recognize the array, and installed it, when it booted up, but they still cannot be seen in my computer.
I am very new to RAID, so if someone could give some step by step instructions I would appreciate it.
I have only gone as far as put the BIOS into XHD mode, and set up the 2 drives in array, as per the Manual. Which is very confusing.
But even after installing XHD from the MB disc, it won't start up. I click it, the PC thinks about it, but does nothing.
Both of the Hard drives are identical. WD500AAKS and set up on the first two SATA ports of the board.
Thank you.