Could this be the beginning of the end of dedicated graphic cards or even the end of personal PC's as we know them?
I really don't think so! How long has this been going on now? I remember back in the 1990s the same thing being put forward and the PC is still alive and kicking. Whilst a computer on a chip is fine for mobile and even certain business useage I can't envisage it taking over from the mainstream PC. Even laptops and all their power nowadays are still not the machine of choice for the real user and takes a backseat to the expandable, customisable desktop PC. As with so many other things "size does matter"

When you need the power of a modern GPU, which is an even more powerfull number crucher than the CPU, you can't beat the dedicated graphics card and seperate processor.
I don't forsee the end of the PC for a long time yet, as long as it maintains the ability to evolve.