« on: September 21, 2010, 03:21:25 pm »
OK I've look all over the place here and unless I need a new pair of glasses I can't find a link where I can download the latest bios for the UD-9.....where can I get it?
I'm getting the new board today so I'm exited to see how it will do.....looking at newegg's reviews it's not to promissing....
Thank you.

Thermalthake full tower, ABS 1300W, Gigabute UD-9, i7 980X @ 4677.4GHz, Super Talent 2000MHz 7-7-7-20, NH-D14, OCz Drive R2 M84 256GB PCI-e Express for games, Crucial real SSD C300 Sata III 128GB for OS, 3 x 150GB Raptor + 1 x 300GB Raptor, Zotac GTX 480 AMP!, BFG GTX 285 OCFU for PhysX