Ok ive read a few overclocking how to's and im still in the process of reading yours. Heres the info ive obtained so far and the question that have popped into my head. Im sure more will come later after reading your how to.
i understand a lot of it but some of the hardcore technical stuff does goes way over my head.
ive never overclocked a CPU before and looking into trying it, not necessarily at this point for maximum overclock just mainly for practice and understand/learning how to.
Im not planning on overclocking today as im not finished reading and im sure i will have more questions but so far this is what i got.
How is my system when it comes to overclocking?
how much Overclock could i get w/out touching voltages? Guesstimate if possible???
Im planning on upgrading to a Q9550 soon so this would be just for fun and practice and not for long term use.
Cooler master RC-310
Cooler Master 650 pro P/S (i think 57a on +12v)
GA-P35-DS3L REV 2.0 Board F9 Bios
3gb G-skill 800 1.8v 5-5-5-15
8800GS OC'd @ 601/2098
Zerotherm CF900 Cooler
3 120mm fans
320gb Segate
From what i have read (please correct me if im wrong) i would start with these steps to achieve a mild(im guessing thats mild) overclock of 2.8ghz. Reason im choosing 2.8ghz because anything over a 400FSB then i would have to start overclocking my ram too correct?
1. 400 FSB (or try a lower fsb first?)
2. PCIe @ 100mhz
3. CIA2 Disabled
4. Performance enhanced to Standard (currently @ turbo)
5. System memory multiplier at 2.00 so that memory is FSBx2=800mhz
Then would i try and see if it posts? can i leave everything else left alone or on Normal?
Bios shots

Anything need to be change on these bios pages?