After 3 different hardware failures – RAM x2 and my PSU x1 my i7 setup is FINALLY complete!
Equipment being used:
X58A-UD3R V2.0
i7 930
Corsair XMS3 6GB (3x2GB) DDR3 12800C9
Noctua NH-D14
Antec 900 case
8800 GTX (this will be going asap!)
320GB WD caviar sata2
Vista HP x64 SP2

motherboard with all the gubbins

– all in the case, yes I am aware its a mess

BIOS M.I.T Shots.

overview of M.I.T

Current status

clock ratio, QPI + BCLK settings

X.M.P and RAM timings

Voltages – is nice to see all voltages under one single menu!
Was aiming for 4ghz prime stable (6-8 hours) for me personally this is plenty as the machine is used for gaming primarily. Well once I replace my 8800gtx

7 hours or so prime stable, was really confused by huge difference in temps on core #3. Despite reseating 5 or 6 times it remained the same. Not overly worried as the temps are within the limits, could possibly be an uneven his

RAM running at rated freq with this overclock.
4GHz settings
Advanced CPU Features:
CPU Clock Ratio ................................ [20x]
Intel(R) Turbo Boost Tech .................. [Disabled]
CPU Cores Enabled ............................ [All]
CPU Multi Threading .......................... [Enabled]
CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E) ................... [Disabled]
C3/C6/C7 State Support .................... [Disabled]
CPU Thermal Monitor ......................... [Enabled]
CPU EIST Function ............................ [Disabled]
Virtualization Technology ................... [Enabled]
Bi-Directional PROCHOT ..................... [Enabled]
Uncore & QPI Features:
QPI Link Speed ..............................[x36]-(Also QPI Clock Ratio)
Uncore Frequency ..........................[3200]
Isonchronous Frequency ..................[Enabled]
Uncore Clock Ratio ....................[x16]
Standard Clock Control:
Base Clock (BCLK) Control ................ [Enabled]
BCLK Frequency (MHz) .....................[200]
PCI Express Frequency (MHz) ........... [100]
C.I.A.2 [Disabled]
Advanced Clock Control:
CPU Clock Drive ..............................[700mV]
PCI Express Clock Drive ................... [700mV]
CPU Clock Skew ............................. [0ps]
IOH Clock Skew ............................. [0ps]
Advanced DRAM Features:
Performance Enhance ...................... [Standard]
Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P) ......... [Disabled]
System Memory Multiplier (SPD) ........ [8]
DRAM Timing Selectable (SPD) .......... [Quick]
Channel & Rank Interleaving...............[Auto]
Channel A + B + C
##Channel A Standard Timing Control##
CAS Latency Time ......................[8]9
tRCD ....................................... [8]9
tRP ......................................... [8]9
tRAS .......................................[20]24
##Channel A Advanced Timing Control##
tRC ........................................[Auto]
tRRD .......................................[Auto]
tWTR .......................................[Auto]
tWR ........................................[Auto]
tWTP .......................................[Auto]
tWL ........................................[Auto]
tRFC .......................................[Auto]
tRTP .......................................[Auto]
tFAW .......................................[1] 2t
Command Rate (CMD) ................
##Channel A Misc Timing Control##
Round Trip Latency .....................[Auto]
B2B CAS Delay ..........................[Auto]
Advanced Voltage Control:
Load Line Calibration ................. [Level 2]
CPU Vcore ...............................[1.32500v]
QPI/VTT Voltage 1.715v ............[1.315v]
CPU PLL 1.800v .......................[1.840]
PCIE 1.500v ...........................[Normal]
QPI PLL 1.100v ........................[Normal]
IOH Core 1.100v ........................[1.260]
ICH I/O 1.500v ........................[Normal]
ICH Core 1.1v .........................[Normal]
DRAM Voltage 1.500v ..............[1.68]
DRAM Termination 0.750v [.84]
Ch-A Data VRef. 0.750v [.84]
Ch-B Data VRef. 0.750v [.84]
Ch-C Data VRef. 0.750v [.84]
Ch-A Address VRef. 0.750v [.84]
Ch-B Address VRef. 0.750v [.84]
Ch-C Address VRef. 0.750v [.84]
Am aware that some voltages are a bit excessive, they will be brought down in time.
Always like to give EasyTune a try. So did my usual thing – downloaded + installed latest version. Pressed the big red “3” button

Prime stable, with a 3.52ghz clockspeed, BCLK of 160mhz

And stable memory too

Again another impressive board from Gigabyte. People have said about x58 chipsets being hard to overclock. This certainly was not the case with this board, just make sure you do a bit of research before you go doing anything and you will be laughing. I also think the EasyTune feature is great to ease novices into overclocking and was pretty impressed that it was prime + memtest stable!
A 43% clockspeed increase on the manual overclock and 26% on the easytune is nothing to be snuffed at.
Next stop 4.2ghz