Official GIGABYTE Forum

GA-MA770-UD3 post then freeze

GA-MA770-UD3 post then freeze
« on: October 18, 2010, 11:47:41 am »
G'mornin Gents,
After setting up a new MoBo and processor for a friend I tried to boot only to find freeze up at splash screen and no respnse to keyboard. USB keyboard, wont activate any of the shift indicator lights, but USB mouse is lit. On the few occasions where it does accept the <tab> key it takes me to the post screen and tells me the processor model is unknown. I get about 10 seconds to read info on the screen before it reboots, again and again...or it will freeze at the splash screen. I spend part of saturday swapping parts, removed all periferals etc, and most of saturday night reading these forums. I think I know what the issue is, but would like you to confirm it.... Here goes: I think the bios is not updated to accept the am3 phenomII X6 1055T (as the box states this will be supported) therefore leaving the bios to report unknown processor. So I need an older processor to update the bios right? What processor should I get to do so, cheap is good...
I have also done a CMOS reset, battery out to no avail.

M/N: GA-MA770-UD3 (r 2.1)
Bios ver: FG
AMD PhenomII X6 1055T
AM3 socket


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Re: GA-MA770-UD3 post then freeze
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2010, 11:54:21 am »
Hi there and welcome to the forum,
The problem is that the 1090T isn't recognised by the BIOS and the only solution is to update to FI or later. You can download the latest BIOS from here:

I'm not sure if you will be able to flash BIOS with the 1090T on board ( usually you can't flash BIOS if CPU isn't recognised) so you will probably have to swap it for a CPU that is recognised. For a list of supported CPU's check here:

If you haven't got access to another CPU then you will need to either RMA and ask your supplier to flash the BIOS for you or take to a friendly PC repair shop who would also be able to do it.
Remember, when all else fails a cup of tea and a good swear will often help! It won't solve the problem but it will make you feel better.