I had my C drive crash and when I tried to reload xp pro sp2, I get to a certain point and get the Blue Screen of Death. error occured and windows has stopped to keep from damaging you machine, yada yada yada. So I went out and got a new WD 500 gig replacement hd and a copy of Win XP Pro x64 sp 2 and tried to start from scratch. I get to about the same spot and bang the blue screen again. Am I missing something ? Do I need to reset the bios or something on my mother board before I can go forward or is it something else stoping me. cant be a virus. new HD and new OS. help
i have the AMD 7 series utility dvd it that will help My set up si a AMD AM2/3 socket board that supports 64 bit os. i have another copy of the same board running windows 7 in another machine. in both i am using the AMD AM2 tri-core 2.8Ghz chip non overclocked.
and the board has dual bios.. I am running 4 gig of memory in the machine that wont let me load the OS.
any suggestions please