Hi All
I have been looking into buying a fan controller rather than rely on the headers.
As I will be using the Intel stock HSF (do not intend to OC) this will be plugged into the motherboard header, unless you can suggest advantages of a controller over the BIOS doing it?
My other fans total 4 off though two are paired in the old config as the case has a manual Lo-Mid-Hi switch, so on the assumption any controller comes with a Y splitter I need to control 3 fans (all 80mm size) ~ rear exhaust, top exhaust and the pair cooling the HDD cage.
So, who uses what model and why

Just looking for some user experiences and what would be a good buy?
Ideally I think it would be good to see the RPM and the temps from sensors placed as needed ~ a) in the HDD cage b) in the P55 chipset HS to then boost the top exhaust fan c) near/on the graphics card for the rear exhaust fan NB in the case of "b" & "c" just to ensure that heat build up in the case has more active control???
TIA for advice, recommendations & insight

PS Meant to add ~ I have space on the 5.25 & the 3.5 bays