I've just installed my board with a 920 D0 stepping and am a bit puzzled over the CPU temperature. In ET6 HW Monitor the CPU temperature is approx 25-30 degrees C lower than the temperature given in CPUID Hardware Monitor. In fact, the ET6 CPU temperature relates to the TMPIN1 reading on the CPUID package. For example at std clock and idle, my CPU reads 16degrees in ET6 and 42-44degrees in CPUID hardware monitor. What concerns me is as soon as I start to apply a decent overclock, the temperature reaches well above 80 degrees on CPUID but less than 60degrees on ET6; even with a Level 3 Quickboost I register close to 90 degrees on CPUID.
If I had a stock cooler then I would expect this, however, I believe I should be able to get some decent clocks with the Akasa Nero which has recieved some good reviews.
Any thoughts please?!?!