Today I had interesting experiences... First, I wanted to change termal paste, I did order Arctic MX-3. I did use, and I did make a good cable connections. After I wanted to start PC, it didn't work !?? Fans, graphic card's fans etc. working but there is no sound (beep) or anything on monitor. I thought I did break (I couldn't find better word for now) mainboard or CPU. Than I did re-open, checked CPU. I checked everything. Than started again just sounds. 11 times... 11 times beep, than starts again. I really thought I did break something. But "sound" is good, something changed.. But I couldn't understand what happened... Than I've a notebook and checked from internet. Guys said just 2 things; graphic card or ram. And I thought may be the problem about rams. Than removed one and still beep, beep ... I said ok, I broke something, mainboard is not working...
Than I removed ram and plugged other one; worked!!!
Oh my god, just a ram problem!? What happened I really don't know !? I never touched rams when I was working on mainboard. But it's ok, just 2 gb ram.. I'm happy, graphic card, motherboard, CPU etc. has no problem. Just a ram...
And now there is no problem about Cool&quiet. It's working. What happened, I really don't know. May be, I did remove battery for 2 minutes to find the problem. May be I don't know.
And one thing again; I was thinking my motherbord is 2.0 - I was checking the book and saw a picture - says "you can learn motherboards rev.)
And checked, mine is 2.1 !?!? writes at he bottom of mainboard
like this;

But everest software says mine is 2.0 !?!? And checking words on motherbord; mine is 2.1 - like ATi Cross FireX logo etc.

want to ask;
bios - driver versions are different or the same for 2.0 and 2.1 ?
And I can't see my CPU on startup (3.400 Mhz - 2400hz etc. ) Just writes Cpuid... what is this?
Is this a problem?

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