...Many people reported a lots of problem ! about hd6850 series .Not only Gigabyte card are reported , but most of them are gigabyte owner who report black screen, no signal crash, etc .Can we expect any BIOS or driver fixing? Is really anoying when somebody spend almost 200E for a new graphic card and and after a whole week he just change drivers bios and OS.Fisrt of all the first version of BIOS was corupted , the fan was runing on 73% in 2d and idle.This problem was solved with F3 Bios update but the rest of the problem remain unchanged.I try the card on multiple configuration with all possible driver and Bios but her behaviour was the same, no matter if I used a500W Thermaltake , 500W OCZ , 750W Corsair or a 1200W Enermax PSU.
No signal in the folowing games under win7 32 and 64 bit:
Black ops, Crysis, Crasis Warhead, NFS Shift, Two World II...
No signal error under XP SP3 OS:
NFS Shift .Also giving graphic artefacts (flickering colour squares ) under NFS Shift , when I set 8AA on high resolution 1900x1200.
On the net is some rummors if the Vram is downclocked at 900 mhz this problem dissapear.Or use 1400mA instead 1600( which is the stock value)
In my opinion if somebody spend her money for a videocard , he want to use that, not experimenting , bios flashing, or downclocking her card...with risk to loosing the warranty !!!
About manufacturer(Gigabyte) politics as he dont give any response to the customers I dont comment.........(I am not the only one who dont receve any feedback, 3 of my friend also have Gigabyte 6850 with the same problems, all of them ask for help and no one get any response!