Alright Dan, the OCZ sticks should say "7-7-7" on the little sticker, the last number you need is 20 but that isn't printed. The part of your bios that concerns memory timings looks like
this. All you need to enter is CAS, tRCD, tRP and tRAS - being respectively 7, 7, 7 and 20. Set Dram timing selectable to
Quick and it will set these timings for all channels. Setting timings is perfectly OK and even recommended: auto-detected settings by the bios aren't always optimal. Also, you could try setting tRFC to 88 specifically. OCZ recommended me doing so, you never know. Additionally (when all else failed) you can try to set your timings even looser, 8-8-8-24. But I'll leave that up to you, it might just be easier to pick up a different brand kit and see what that does. If that one runs fine, it's a clear case.
You're right, it could also be a coldboot issue. I've had a permanently broken kit and the other one was bad at coldboot and still couldn't be trusted when warmed up. Nevertheless, they should work. 3 degrees Celsius or 30

The wattage of your PSU is fine, what brand and type is it?
Don't worry about the Gigabyte QVL too much when you're looking at the QVL from memory manufacturers: Gigabyte can't test and list every module out there. Solely looking at the QVL of the memory manufacturer is fine here.
So now you got your timings and I assume you know where to find the QPI/VTT voltage.
Dark Mantis, please correct me if I'm wrong anywhere. Just like to help out here, as it seems to be my case all over again