So my problem is this (it's about my PCI slot as opposed to graphics card): I have a Radeon 6970 graphics card in my P67-UD4 motherboard, and no drivers but the ones on the disc that came with the graphics card will work. No drivers from AMD's website will install (Windows 7 64-bit). I've tried reformatting and fresh installing, I've used driver sweeper, I've tried installing the disc drivers then upgrading, I've tried installing specific individual driver packs as opposed to whole driver packs, I've tried just about everything you can think of.
So I wanted to pin-point what my problem was. Not being able to update to the newest graphics card drivers was (and is) bothering me. So I took my 6970 graphics card out of my computer, and plugged it into an alternate computer in my house. The only difference between the two computers is the motherboard, and the processor. Other than that, both computers use the same power supply, same RAM, same hard drive, same operating system, etc. Anyways, I went to install the newest drivers on the card on that alternate computer, and VOILA! It worked. Immediately. No problems. So I driver swept it, and tried another driver; again, it worked wonderfully.
So I went back to my computer, plugged my graphics card in, and yep back to the same old problems.
I've determined the issue has to be in the motherboard itself. I have tried using the F3 bios, F4 bios, F6 bios, F7b bios, and F7 bios. None of which correct the problem in any way. I've had one blue screen of death attempting to update the drivers on this computer (for the graphics), and every other time I just get "driver installation failed", or no message at all (and the drivers simply don't work/install).
I'm lost as to what to do. When the time comes and I get to return this motherboard (since there's the recall due to the SATA2 ports), I am strongly considering switching to a different brand. I already had troubles with an Asus Pro 1155 motherboard (I had to RMA it since its multiplier was somehow locked and the tech who looked at it at NCIX was even perplexed), and I switched to the UD4 motherboard; other than this PCI slot issue, everything has been wonderful... but for a $370 graphics card to be limited to older drivers... well... that's reason enough for me to try another brand if there isn't some sort of fix on the way