Hello everyone I am new here and I have a huge problem : /
I don't understand this motherboard, its making some stupid noise (boot, idle in windows... and way worse when I load a game) people told me to turn off C1E and all the other garbage (cant remember the names) its still there, this must be the worst motherboard I have ever used. This noise is...
I tried overclocking to 4.2 (1.31v or so) to see if that would fix it.. NO!
Here comes the funny part...
This motherboard doesn't like ANYTHING
I am confused.
I have the GPU on stability test (furmark) fully clocked.. 1000/1300 and the noise is there when the thing is infront of my eyes, when i MINIZE furmark (let it run in the background) the noise is gone (running it as we speak, 30c load.. VRM's are 60C) so its not overheating or whatever.
LOL? I can even play games in Windowed mode and not hear this, when its in fullscreen it comes back? this mobo is smoking weed
I guess I will just RMA this piece of s***... was to good to be true... so cheap : /
I didn't have any problems with my Asus P6T7 WS Supercomputer.. but I bent my pins by mistake - gonna fix them and just use it.... ONLY THING I CHANGED was the mobo.. so its definitely a mobo problem I dont know why its making my GPU do this noise (Not sure if its comming from it either) but since I hear it when playing games and not when under Prime95 load.... and I hear it when in Furmark, its doing something to my GPU.
I am using the drivers from the disc and the MB is rev 2.0
i7 980x @ 4.3
5970 EK FC Waterblock
GA-X58A-UD3R REV 2.0
Can anyone help me with this? I am about to throw this motherboard in the trash and NEVER - EVER get a cheap motherboard... EVER. It was too good to be true...