Here is a link to my ram: I went with the CL7 in hopes of OC'ing my machine down the road.
Memtest ran for 10 hours yesterday with 0 errors. Doh.
So I booted into BIOS, turned off C1E, turned off Cool & Quiet, and backed off my memory speed to 9-9-9-24-5T.
It booted up fine, so I played a couple hours of Fallout3 to 'test things out'. When I was done, I shut down the machine.
This morning I went to turn it on & it did something new: 4 long beeps, followed by 10 short beeps. It did this a few times & I rebooted it.
It did it again: 4 long + 10 short. Rebooted. Did it again. Tried 3 more times, did it each time. Uh-oh.
So I turned everything off & took out the stick in slot4 (had them in slots 2 & 4). It booted up fine into windows.
I rebooted it 3 times & went into sleep mode once & every time it came back into windows fine.
So I put the stick that was in slot 4 into slot 2 & tried the same test. It booted fine each time.
Then I put the 2nd stick into slot 4, so they are basically swapped from where they were last night. It booted fine 4 times & from sleep mode 3 times. I scratched my head, thought my problems were solved, & turned it off. Took a shower. Came back 20 mins later & turned it on, and... trouble.
It made 4 long beeps, did not POST, did nothing at all.
I hit reset, and it started to post, but stopped right before the memory would be detected & had some artifacts on the screen. Doh. First time I saw that. So I held down power for 5 secs to turn off the machine, and turned it on again. This time it booted fine into windows. Everything was happy. <sigh>
I turned it off, took out the stick in slot4, and booted it up. It went into windows fine. So I shut it off & will see what happens when I do a cold boot with 1 stick after work.
The common problem seems to be when I boot up from sleep or off mode after it's been sitting for a while. I was not able to duplicate any boot problems once I booted successfully into windows unless the machine was off for a period of time.
So do you think it's a memory problem that can be fixed by replacing the ram? Or maybe a problem with the CPU memory controller? Or with the 890fx board itself?
Any advice/comments would be appreciated.