I had some problems on my system I had put together a couple weeks ago with an x58a-ud3r motherboard. After trying to troubleshoot the issue here it was determined it was either the motherboard or possibly the CPU. (The system reboot every 3 seconds.) I was able to return the motherboard/CPU and my new components came today. The problem is that the old system worked fine for 2 days and I was able to install a bunch of software on my 2 x 1TB hard drives configured as a RAID 0 array.
My question is - will it be possible to configure the system to boot back into Windows? Initially I had the RAID 0 configured on the Marvell chipset which you had urged against so I'm going to hook it up on the standard controller. Configuring a new array prompts that all data on the disks will be lost. Otherwise, I will have to request a second 'one time backup' that I was granted for some of my electronic purchases - which weren't finished downloading when the system crashed.