Logitech G930 Wireless Gaming Headset
by Dark Mantis

Logitech have recently brought out a new line that they refer to as their G-series especially aimed at gaming. These are all top of
the range products and whilst not priced at the economy end of the market are quality items and give you the edge when playing hard
and fast!

The G-930 Gaming Headset I am reviewing here is part of this series and has all the top of the range features that you would expect.
It is wireless and has rechargeable batteries that work by simply plugging in the USB cable and it can carry on being used whilst
plugged in as you would a normal headset. It supports 7.1 surround sound for the best quality audio experience. I will go into that
more later.

The kit basically consists of the headset, a USB wireless signal sender and a hub for storing the cable when not used and for the
connection of the sender which stands up like an ariel. There is of course all the usual paperwork included, most of which if you are
anything like me will be binned. Also there is the obligatory CD with the drivers etc on.

The USB sender can be installed into any USB port or the cable hub that is supplied as a charging station. This hub has 3 metres of
cable attached in total so it is extremely flexible in it's viable locations. One end of the cable has a standard USB plug and the
other is terminated in a miniture USB plug to match the headset.

Moving onto the headset itself, it is a quality construction but not too heavy as to be uncomfortable when worn for extended periods
like LAN games etc. The ear pieces are covered with a black pvc type coating over closed cell memory foam inserts as is the top head
restraint. The spring loading between the earpieces is strong enough that when fitted the headphones stay in position without fear of
them sliding off but not to much to be uncomfortable. There is a slide ratchet system for lengthening the span of the set that
works very well and doesn't appear to move once set. Each earpiece swivels by approximately 100 degrees so that when layed on the
desktop they will sit flat or even stood up they would work as miniture speakers both facing the same way. The inside of the
looks just like any normal headphones but hides the fact that these incorporate a full 7.1 surround sound sytem that is very
effective. The difference between the Stereo option and the 7.1 Surround Sound needs to be heard to be believed. It certainly gives
you the edge in games and is also great when watching supported films etc. It uses the usual Dolby technology for this.

On the left headset there is a pull down microphone that turns on and off as you swivel it with it's own indicator LED built in to
the tip, so if needed to mute quickly just raise the mic and the input side is muted. The microphone also incorporates background
noise reducing technlogy to make everything you say clearer. This side of the set also houses the controls. These are a power switch
with a LED, a Stereo/Surround Sound switch, a microphone mute button, a roller volume control, the USB input port and three buttons
G1, G2 and G3. These allow you to program special functions of the headset like chat, voice morphing and music to name just some.

The batteries are rated for 10 hours of use before recharging is required and dependant on type of use I would say that isn't to far
away from reality. I have certainly used mine for 8 hours + without running out of power. Software setup is very easy and is totally
Plug and Play. It doesn't affect your desktop speaker settings at all so there is no need to reconfigure them each time you use the
headset. It will work perfectly at a good distance from the sender and I have personally tried the headset at about 30 feet away with
no problem. The manufacturer quotes 40 feet and I wouldn't be surprised at this although you would need a really big monitor to be
able to see the action at the same time.

Overall I would highly recommend this Logitech G930 Wireless headset and were it not for the very high price it would score top
marks. I award them 9/10.
Supplier: Logitech
http://www.logitech.com/en-gb/gaming/headsets/devices/7248?WT.ac=GSeriesPrice: £149.00