Hi i recently bought a G31M - ES2L board (27th/5/2011) rev 2.3 and i am having some issues witht he board.
First the most aggrevating one is Audio problem a strange one too i can watch AVI and MKV vids ect no problem at all sound is fine 1 game i play sound is fine, yet another game i play WOrld Of Tanks as soon as i load into a map the audio crackles and stutters and sounds like the machine is totaly lagging out even if i am on Ventrillo it affects that too yet if i tab out the sounds returns to normal, This also happens when i play any videos on the MSN site like trailors for films ect. Also when windows starts up when it plays the windows startup sound it crackles but thats it.
Next when ever i do a cold start after 20 seconds or so i have to press Reset button or the monitor wont kick in (plugged in to PCIE graphics card Via HDMI ) never had this issue on my last board same setup only change to my computer is new MB
my CPU is Intel dual core ES6700 3.2ghz
Graphics Nvidia GT240 1gig
Hard Drive seagate barracuda 500gb 7200.12
22" HD monitor (acer)
2gig ram (DDR2) 800
500w PSU
my OS is Win7 32bit no service pack
Audio driver is realtec HD (R260) ALC 888B acording to the info button on audio control panel.
Also when i first put this alltogether i wanted to install WIN 7 64bit but it would not let me select the HD the funny part is it kept asking for driver and when i browsed for driver it let me search the HD installed go figure? so any tips on that would be cool too thanks

any help appreciated thanks. ive probably missed some info out just let me know and ill add it asap.