22,000+Members down to 16,476......was it the spring clean performed by runn3R ?, ... or has the recession finally taken hold, bar a run of faulty board leaving the factory, which I'm not going to hold my breath for.......to get back to 20,000 let alone 25,000........what are we going to do!
A little brain storming is in order people .... I think you will all agree, when member numbers are down, It can get a bit boring........ So how can we get a little more interest going to attract more people.
And my suggestion........... I think we need some type of in house competition of some description with incremental prizes possibly to keep people active and interested
OR What about a members only Trading section! where members with 25+ posts can buy or sell there kit to other members.....I know if this was available , Flea-bay would drop to second place in my books.......would much rather sell to someone I know will appreciate what I have to sell!
Aussie Allan