Yes, I think this would be a good idea Allan and is something I have been looking into myself. 
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Bar getting you round to my place to show you my etchings and shark bite....

.... maybe you could PM me with the format you were considering and I could possibly add some ideas for you / and or data,... or split the load somehow amongst a few people, could be interesting using a few polls to gather some data although polls seem to be flat in response on this forum....very frustrating, polls can be fantastic earners if you can get people to use them.
There was a monthly PC Magazine in OZ that did a two page spread that ended up so popular, people would buy it just for those two pages.....
Split into 3 horizontal columns, indexed vertically First was the three Main-boards (Vertically), Budget 1, intermediate (bang for buck) 2, and Extreme 3. ....... Next would be CPU.....then Memory and so on , I actually used it for shopping a few times and it saved me worry about compatibility and Fun tickets
Aussie Allan