You're looking at the DRAM Voltage of 1.675 not the CPU Voltage which is 1.4750V. You have the CPU voltage set a little bit too high I think. 
My DRAM moduels call for an opperational voltage of 1.65v, If you notice in the PC_health tab when set to 1.675 my Dram runs at 1.644 I have to set the voltage for drop, the primary complaints I have with the UD5. Everything sufferes from drop.
My CPU is set to 1.475 in bios, which results in 1.488 under PC health, but 1.392v under load.
If Gigabyte would unlock LLC for us, I could my overclocks with a lower initial voltage. But with no load on the items a raise in voltage does no harm. Its what the voltage is after the load is there, that is what matters.
If your ram is really good I can give you some tips on running it at 1950mhz 9-9-9-24-41-2t That is the highest I accheived on my 1055T 4ghz with the ram at 1950mhz (Corsair 1600mhz XMS3) 2860mhz NB rock solid stable at just over 1.54v CPU 1.65v Ram, 1.312v CPU-NB
Edit: DO note though, I picked my my 1100T last year for its low voltage opperation at decent clock speeds. 24/7 I run 1.275v on the CPU @ 3700mhz, 1.35v on the DRAM @ 1600 9-9-9-27-42-2T, 1.1v on the CPU-NB @ 2400mhz and on my GTX480's which have a shipped voltage of 1038mv I run them at 996mv. I like to keep temps down so for 24/7 useage I undervolt.
2nd Edit: I really can drop in my 1055t for fine tuning help if you need. Its just chilling in my M4N98TD atm.