I Hope "EyeDontKnow" understands this is purely Banter driven Humour mixed with boredom ....
But to get something out of this and into the forum as to why he may have chosen to err on the side of caution re Raid.........
I don't think it's made the English dictionary as yet ... so I'm going to call it
"Dataphobia" ..........
Dataphobics are generally Photographers with a chronic fear of loosing some or all of a digital image collection.
Most material things can be replaced through insurance..........But How do you replace a single winning image you took in Deepest Africa......or your first wife's picture......... facing her first and last lions charge armed with a high powered hand-bag............Raid can be a very scary thing for the novas with a
Dataphobic tendency..........Most people don't have the knowledge,time or inclination to get the very best out of present technology........or deciding the extra blistering performance..........is just not worth the added risk.
You can be born with
Dataphobia..........or you can develop the condition as I did 4 or 5 years ago..........no UPS.........no backup...........Raid5 PC when the power went out

............it's the sickest feeling in the pit of your stomach when hours later..........having tried "EVERYTHING"...........that 3 years of camera work is , is , is...........Well totally Gone!

It's up to us as a community to get the knowledge out there that done properly .....Raid with all of it's advantages..........
CAN be done safely............and offer better redundancy then a single hard drive
Aussie Allan