How do I disconnect my Raptors with an active operating system on them?
I have set up the Raptors with a 16k format. The SSD is running on 128k format. I'm not sure where in the bios I can set it up for AHCI mode? I have the Extreme Hard Drive enabled and the PCH Sata control mode is Raid XHD.
I'm not sure whether this is normal for this mobo, but even with Quick Boot enabled, in boot, it shows the 'loading operating system' for quite some, the dots slowly progress and takes around 8-10 secs. Once it hits Starting Windows, it's quite fast getting to the log in screen, however once I enter a password, it takes around 10-12 secs, followed by a black screen for around 5 secs before windows actually opens.
I only have this on this system. Could be a bad driver, or perhaps I've set things up in a poor way.