Official GIGABYTE Forum

P67-UD5-B3 Voltage drop on system resume?

P67-UD5-B3 Voltage drop on system resume?
« on: September 19, 2011, 09:26:51 pm »
Intel Core i5 2500k
G.Skill Eco 4 gb 7-8-7-24 1600mhz
Corsair AX850w PSU


I am having some issues with the bios and voltage regulation. I am on the F5 bios as F6 was providing some memory incompatibility issues.

If I leave everything on stock everything runs as it should - but that isn't why I bought a 200$ board. When I overclock I get it so it boots at 1.35 core voltage at 5 ghz. It passes prime/linpack testing just dandy and doesn't go over 50 celsius. However, when I put the computer to sleep and then resume the voltage seems to be significantly lower than what it should be. When it comes up (it usually doesn't) it has a voltage of about 1.2 (not stable) and crashes immediately. Then the bios seems to be corrupt and it just endlessly starts/stops necessitating a cmos reset.

This is incredibly strange to me and it does this with any oc multiplier between 40 - 50 and even with significantly more voltage in nearly every field (PLL/ QPI / System Agent) and up to 1.48 voltage for Vcore... it does this every time. Is there a setting I'm missing? I use sleep a ton on this computer and having the system not wakeup from it - even though it passes stability testing - is stunning.

The voltage droops a moderate amount (about .08) under load but still runs stable and correcting this with the Multi-steps loadline hasn't done a thing.

I didn't buy a 200$ motherboard so I can run my processor at stock speeds and the fact that it doesn't resume or (if it does) resumes with much lower voltage to be unacceptable.

Any tips at all? Should I contact support?