Thanks for helping me.
My Kandalf LCS is running perfectly since 3 yers now and I never had any issues.
Lucky me
Regarding the oc :
I crancked up the CPU Vcore to 1,505 , Loadline 6 , QPI/Vtt to 1,14, PCH Core to 1,12 , CPU Pll to 1,88 and DRam Voltage to 1,64.
With a BLCK at 1020 and Cpu Ratio at 49 I am now running at 4.95 Ghz.
I have top admit that I had to set the memory back to 1866 mhz, but a Sandybridge does not take very much advantage over 1600 mhz.
If the system stays stable over the next couple of days I will try to back up a little on some settings.
It is a pity that the Dram voltage on manual only has 1.64 or 1.66 and not 1.65.
Would you think that setting the memory to 1.66 sould be to much ?