Thanks for replies
Allan &
DM. Left battery out overnight, upon replacement booted PC. Back to power
on then off & Red LED & power on cycle. Thought it was fan connector but it started up originally when
I applied light pressure to main power lead on MOBO. That was after I removed test PSU & was double
checking. Could be dry joint, anway switched off mains for safty. MOBO is now back in box to return.
Whatever the outcome won't use it again & asked for refund about you know what.
Glad to know about CPU warrenty
DM, appreciate that. Called supplier today & think they will handle it
though now technically a different company. Have 3 options now, reuse GA-EX58 then everything fits
including Floppy. Can add PCIe card so probably not much difference in speed without the faults.
Wait for new 79-2011 & prices will drop on 1155 or risk the faults newer boards will probably have !!!
One annoyance is the sticky pads on Zalman cooler as have used up 2 supplied.
With regard to AHCI was going to retry on X58A but didn't like added boot up time. Used it for first
time on older PC that I updated to Win 7 & 120gb SSD no boot delay at all.
the look on his face was priceless" Thanks for the laugh Allan, think I could say the same looking back !!

Regards tinker.