This is a low profile memory and it shouldn't be any problems no matter what CPU cooler you decide to buy. This might be a "small" overkill

but you can never have "too much" memory!

The biggest problem is that you are going to have to reduce quantity of memory when you make upgrade. It's not a big deal if you aren't going to make upgrade for longer time but it might cause you to believe that you wasted some of the money if you decide to upgrade soon (LGA 1366 is now completely outdated even though it still packs a massive performance)...
As for the cooler, I really don't know what to tell you - you can try that Shuriken but see if you can fit 25mm fan (instead of 12mm which comes by def). Some better fan at 1200-1600RPM should ensure better CFM and thus better cooling performance!
EDIT: I just saw that Shuriken packs 100mm size fan which could prove to be a big problem because I don't know any 25mm fans in 100mm size (only 120mm)...