Good you posted the second bit, .... but for the life of me I can,t find (or remember) the significance of...........
Realtek Function Driver for Realtek Azalia I think this is related to the speaker issue and from memory possibly the LAN as well ..... there was a series of posts some months back that was very familiar to what is happening here and now...... but for the life of me ....... maybe the other guys will know where to put a finger on the posts.
Unfortunately DM and Absic have dropped off till the morning, .... I'll PM both of them to have a look in the morning sparrow-fart Tee Hee!
In the mean-time, and it can't hurt.......try dumping the Azalia driver and see if it affects the LAN after a boot .
Man I've been in the UK for 5 yrs now......Sydney boy, but would settle for Melbourne or even Tasmania for that matter.....Wow, must be home sick......It's one of the few places on earth where a head count is not entirely indicative of the population Tassie is.
No really it's a pretty good place to take pictures and I'm stinging to try out a new body where the sun actually shines for more them 8.6 seconds per day.
If you've never been to OZ before ,'ll understand what I miss
Aussie Allan