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« on: October 18, 2009, 10:14:39 pm »
..or is it my RAM :confused:

I built a new computer system around a month ago consisting of;

Gigabyte GA-EX58-EXTREME motherboard
Intel Core i7 920 D0 Stepping (SLBEJ) CPU
6GB Corsair Dominator 1600MHz DDR3 TR3X6G1600C8D Memory

Since then I've been having lots of problems with random system freezes and restarts. Usually when the system froze I'd get lots of loud crackling/popping noises and suspected a dodgy soundcard, so I removed the Ausentech Prelude soundcard and reverted to the onboard sound - but the problems remained.

I have tried using the system with and without overclocking but again the lockups & freezes remain.
The memory is running at 1.64v.
I have watercooling attached to the CPU, MB and GFX, CPU runs around 33deg idle/ 48deg under load.

So, what I have noticed is;

1 - sometimes on bootup when the bios screen displays the memory and drives etc it only shows 2gb or 4gb of memory, even though there is 6gb installed.

2 - This can also be seen in memtest here;

3 sticks installed - but only 2gb showing in use:(

3 - When all 3 are showing in the system Memtest reports various errors;

4 - I tried testing each stick on it's own in slot1 on the motherboard for over an hour each and none of them came up with any errors:confused:.

So, I'm really at a loss here as to what the problem is. Are there any further tests I can carry out to find out if it's the ram causing the problem, or does it look as thought the motherboard could be faulty? Maybe I need to run with different bios settings, but I'm fairly sure everything is configured correctly.

Any help here would be much appreciated.


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Re: Faulty GA-EX58-EXTREME
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2009, 09:41:42 am »
It shouldn't fail memtest even with defaults set. Are you using the latest BIOS? The poping you described could well be a PSU issue.
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Re: Faulty GA-EX58-EXTREME
« Reply #2 on: October 19, 2009, 02:11:41 pm »
Yes I'm using the latest bios. I'm pretty sure the power supply is fine.

I've spent hours now trying different configurations to get the full 6gb of memory to be recognised on bootup consistently. The only way I can achieve that is by reverting the bios to default fail safe settings. ANY overclocking results in less memory being detected - not all the time, but certainly 90% of bootups.

I've read through every forum I can find relating to this motherboard and the ram to determine the correct bios setup and am confident that the settings are correct, so I need to try and find out which is causing the problem - Ram or Motherboard.

The first screenshot I posted shows that there's a definate problem. Memtest has recognised that there are in fact 3 sticks of ram in the system, but only 2gb is being used - what would cause that??


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Re: Faulty GA-EX58-EXTREME
« Reply #3 on: October 19, 2009, 02:14:36 pm »
Does memtest still fail with 1 stick of ram? Try each stick individually. Also try testing your PSU as that popping sound you described sound like a possible PSU issue to me.
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Re: Faulty GA-EX58-EXTREME
« Reply #4 on: October 19, 2009, 02:40:49 pm »
I did say in my original post that I have tried memtest with 1 stick of ram;

  "4 - I tried testing each stick on it's own in slot1 on the motherboard for over an hour each and none of them came up with any errors."

I just tried another power supply from a second computer system and the same issues appear at bootup with the incorrect amount of ram being recognised.


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Re: Faulty GA-EX58-EXTREME
« Reply #5 on: October 19, 2009, 02:48:00 pm »
I just tried another power supply from a second computer system and the same issues appear at bootup with the incorrect amount of ram being recognised.

Did the other computer recognise the correct ammount of ram before you used your PSU. If so looks like you've found your problem :)
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Re: Faulty GA-EX58-EXTREME
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2009, 04:07:38 pm »
Ok, let me explain again...

1 - The original power supply is fine.
2 - To test this I tried the power supply in ANOTHER similar spec computer and the OTHER computer worked fine.
3 - I tried the OTHER power supply from the OTHER computer in the computer WITH the problem and the problem PERSISTS.

So, it's clearly NOT the power supply causing the problem.

I hope this clears things up regarding the power supply...


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Re: Faulty GA-EX58-EXTREME
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2009, 06:13:34 pm »
............. so I need to try and find out which is causing the problem - Ram or Motherboard.

both. as you put 1600 MHz RAM into MB which does not support this RAM speed per default, therefore needs to be overclocked.

so you can choose as follows:
- use your Corsair at 1333 MHz, which is done at fail-safe bios settings probably
- change this RAM into 1333 MHz modules
- further play with the mb to have your Corsair running at 1600 MHz, may try latency settings 8-8-8-24 at 1600MHz according to Corsair website (sorry i don't have any special experience in OC)
- change your RAM into other 1600 MHz modules which were tested OK:
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Re: Faulty GA-EX58-EXTREME
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2009, 07:35:12 pm »
both. as you put 1600 MHz RAM into MB which does not support this RAM speed per default, therefore needs to be overclocked.

The motherboard can go upto 3 channel DDR3 2100+ memory

so you can choose as follows:
- use your Corsair at 1333 MHz, which is done at fail-safe bios settings probably
- change this RAM into 1333 MHz modules

Failsafe runs the memory at 1066mhz. The memory is rated to run at 1600 and has been verified by Corsair to do so, in this motherboard - which is why I purchased it.

- further play with the mb to have your Corsair running at 1600 MHz, may try latency settings 8-8-8-24 at 1600MHz according to Corsair website (sorry i don't have any special experience in OC)
- change your RAM into other 1600 MHz modules which were tested OK:

It's easy to get the memory configured to run at 1600mzh either by manual settings with the correct CPU overclock, or by enabling the XMP profile for the memory. I have done that - but it doesn't work as the manufacturers claims. I'm making this post here to see if there's anything that COULD be causing the problem on the motherboard's side before I send the memory back to Corsair and thell em to shove it.

Can anyone think of anything else I can try here? I've managed to get some stability by underclocking the ram to 1140mhz (190 x 6), but if I go any higher than that either by higher multiplier or by selecting the XMP profile the system is very unstable. I have the CPU core @ 1.4v and have tried the QPI/Vtt at each setting between 1.175v and 1.475v. I've kept the DRAM voltage @ 1.64v all the time, I know it's rated for 1.65v but the next setting available in the bios is 1.66v.


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Re: Faulty GA-EX58-EXTREME
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2009, 07:29:56 pm »
if Corsair claims this RAM runs at 1600 in this mobo then maybe better check with Corsair why it does not happen.

as i7 cpu is designed by Intel to work with 1066 RAM speed only, everything more is OC

try with 1.66 V for RAM, it's not big difference

if your RAM is stable when underclocked then it maybe problem with it
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