Hi Dark Mantis.
Was kinda hoping you would pay a visit, as Im not too "hot" on the Intel scene

Graphics card: If that manufacture are kak with warranty/support then I will try to find a card thats about the same spec or better (and dare I say, cheaper), unless you can recommend one that shouldnt need upgrading for a while?
EDIT: he has now brought a card that someone else has recommended, and ironically it was one I was eyeing up for him anyway

i5 or i7: well, as far as Im aware he mostly plays games. In fact Ive sent him a link to this thread so I hope that he actually states what he does (this would also help me out). Oh and he likes DJ programs a lot too

Just a silly question now but is the 1155 socket going to go out of fashion soon like the 775 has? Thats about my only concern as there seems to be loads of sockets for Intel, hence why Im triple checking everything.
I know the memory is good as both yourself and Absic have recommended it for myself (when I get my act together and upgrade my board - speaking of which I now need a memory upgrade to play MW3 when that come out (apparently), but thats another issue....) so I cant see any problems there