My first x48t-dq6 broked in about 1 year. It kept buzzing noises at the led light area and didnt boot. Well I warranty it and got new. After 1/2 months with my new motherboard and it is doing it again!! The problem is identical like the first motherboard had when broked. It doesen`t boot, buzzing noises around leds and craphig cards have led lights on. I have tested my other components with my friends Motherboard, which I am currently using, and it works. What the hell is wrong with ga-x48t-dq6 motherboards that I get..

I couldn`t find much about this problem at internet. So I am having bad luck with my motherboards or this series have big problems with life time? Also I dont use any Overclocks.
4gb1333 ddr3
2x4890 cf
Chieftec 1000w CFT-1000G-DF