Hi all,
This is a completely new build, and not nearly my first.
GA-990FXA-UD5 Motherboard
Diamond Radeon HD 6950
8 gig Patriot Sector 5 DDR3 RAM
90 GB Corsair SATA3 SSD
2 TB Hitachi HDD
Coolermaster Silent Pro Gold 800W power supply
When I apply power I can energize the system with the power switch on the front of the case, the fans spin up and fan LEDs come on, but no signal goes to the monitor, and I get no post beep codes.
If I unplug power to the video card it will begin to alarm right away.
I have tried swapping the RAM around to the different slots and even tried using them one module at a time. No joy there.
Once the system is powered, the only way to turn it off is the hard switch on the power supply.
I even tried to boot without the video card in the system and it did not generate a video beep code. Do you think I have a DOA mobo? Does anyone have any ideas?