We had participants from from many different benching forums and teams both global and local overclockers.net,
Our very own Daulist a little stir crazy after having spent 12 hours in a van, the last 7.5 hours just to travel 167 miles.

Big thanks to you mate for coming and picking me up even though you were not going to be benching with us. :thumb:

The lads starting getting together at the venue from 5.30pm onwards. We all gathered in the public bar and had a few pints.
L to R K404 (not impressed with the fact there was no Deep Fried Mars bar on the menu) Borandi, Than55, Blindfitter

By 9 o'clock not only had a few more joined us but some of the younger members of the OCN team needed a nap...or was it simply to many beers?
Our very own Gappo and Beks with LN2 slave. And of course K404 still not impressed that they would not deep fry any confectionery for him.

Thanks to Gigabyte for the goodies and the motherboards that they provided for us to play with greatly appreciated all the support you guys provide for Team Great Britain and the enthusiast community in the UK.

The tall lad with the grey top is Adrian (don't call me AD) Arandomowl he arrived in the morning.

Here is Than having a good laugh when Ollie told him he benches AMD.

Our very own PCmark05 guru Dave (Blindfitter) hard at work testing Acards vs Irams for you guessed it PCMart05. Thanks for the master-class mate and look after my graphics card.

And the man who made it all possible. Steve from Mansfield Cryogenics the LN2 man who left his van with 1000l and foolishly gave me the key. Cheers mate and thank you for your help.

Ian is a non-LN2 bencher but an outstanding team man who paid up without a moan and never used a single drop of LN2. Yet he set more PB's and accrued more points during the event than any one else on our team. :p Er LN2 rules...right? NOT ?

The learning curve goes on. Here we have the dragon doing her first burn and man was that a fun experience - there was once cladding around the LN2 pot. No honestly there was.


Ah my favourite moment at the event. Kenny having a look at the CPU collection and calmly pronouncing that they were all cr@p before one had even been put into a board. Just goes to show experience counts for everything. Suspect he is right too. Kenny spent most of his time soldering away modding cards for others. Huge respect mate for doing that and boy oh boy did we have a gas drinking the odd Jack and Coke while enjoying the yellow stockings view.

What do you mean I am meant to be benching?


Finally on the second day K404 gets some benching in and takes a few golds inthe 8800GTX SLi class. Easy peasey mates if you were the right kit. Black beanie is a must it seems.

One watches TopGear while benching and the other pints, Guess which of the two submits the most results to HWBOT in the next few days.

Talk about coincidence the only bencher at the meet who loves AMD wins the Gigabyte 990FXA-UD9 provided by Gigabyte UK. El Gappo possibly the best AMD bencher in the world right now.

Adrian on the second day finding out that there is more to benching than 8600 and a REX. :p How many months has it been now mate that you are playing with that chip?
Quite a bit of the good stuff that happened has nothing to do with the benching session but that is normal I guess. Ian Kenny and I sampled the local night life and had a good giggle as well as a fair number of pints and Jack and Coke.
Cheers to all and looking forward to March in Cambridge where the next event will be held.
In closing a big thank you to Ashley who drove up from Brighton to fetch me and take me back home with all that kit. You rock dude.