To be honest in general you get what you pay for with speakers so I would set yourself a realistic budget and thenm see what is available for that.
Its not so simple, as I said usually big prize is for many watts, for example that system u suggested me(350€ in my country) is 500watts, I dont want to disturb the whole neighborhood

Logitech and Creative are seperate entities if that is what you were asking.

the "<" is a mathematician symbol. Is Logitech worse than Creative?
Just to add my bit into the mix: The "hissing" noise from PC speakers when they are not running is usually due to the volume being set to high or from using cheap low end speakers whose internal amplifier components are not that good.
They told me that fffssss exist even in not cheap speakers. Some Logitech models I dont remember right now.
Low or high volume, point is not to hear anything. Otherwise u have to shut off speakers. In my previous speakers that was not easy, because the button was down of the desk.
Is it better to connect earphones directly to the soundcard hole?