Rolo .... this gets me in trouble at times .... But take it as an friendly explanation and there'll be no problem

..... (these first figures are hypothetical , do not quote them in your inevitable argument)

Lets say we have 1000 main-boards enter the market ...... of that 1000 ... we might hear about 10 to 20 of them on the forum ....generally it will be configuration issues along with compatibility of components ...... so what we deal with here when posted ..... is not the perfect 980 boards.....but the 10 to 20 that really do generally
have problems ranging from .....Ding-bat configuration, ....small Nigelie issues the customer are willing to live with through to the RMA
perhaps if it try and explain what I , DM, Absic Lsdmeasapand a few 100 other happy customers now believe to be fact ..... we participate in a public forum to help people less fortunate then ourselves regards computers, configuration , clocking and several other related subjects ..... sometimes through experience we find things that don't fit into the strict
" This is not what the manufacturer states in the manual" it,s not a perfect world..... this is why the infamous 9128 chip can be put into a million plus boards
So the
majority understand, ....and I'll use the term "Diode" loosely .... the manufactures state in a perfect world ... using the reset jumpers works in Milli-seconds ...... in the real world , the lower the voltage used , the lower the +- tolerance .... power can and will leak back in via Capacitors and coils splattered around the system that still hold residual power .... this is why terms such as "Unplugging from the mains".... "cycling the power button several times to drain residual power" ...."Popping the battery even over night" ...... their all about killing every last instance of power so the chip can actually reset completely.
I know my board for a fact!....... will boot back up to the older settings if I just stab the reset button every time..... mine takes about a 2 min procedure including mains out, cycling the front power button several times then holding the clear button for at least 15 seconds...... after 100s of resets while clocking my system over the last year.....I know this to be the minimum I can get away
"with my system" .... As the PC god states...."THERE ALL DIFFERENT". .... Hope this helps
P.S Some times we have to talk and write not as technical as we like too ..... but so 90% of people reading can understand

Aussie Allan