Welcome ttwtt

As a quick answer ... Yes! ..... but now to go back ..... It sounds to be a new build ......YES/NO and you need to let us know what you have connected and to where .....
Remove all extra drives and toys so you have
just the basics .... OS drive , memory , CPU , GPU , PSU .... you get the picture .... make sure the SSD goes on the Intel controller
Now press the "Reset Bios" with no power to the machine (unplugged)...
Connect power and try again to get into the Bios screen ...... now hit the "Optimized Defaults" tab....save and reboot .....go back into Bios and setup you system with the minimum list of hardware ...... make sure you go down the ACHI path ..... now save and reboot again and try to load the OS.
If you can get it to this stage and the OS takes .... start loading your other toys one piece at a time between boots.....
Post back with how you get on if at all ....