I meant flashing older Marvell firmwares, you know, not the latest version.
Motherboard BIOS, always use the latest
As for the BIOS sizes, no that is normal, and has nothing to do with the firmwares. The only reason you may be seeing differences between versions is just how each version differs in doing things. Just keep on the latest BIOS.
And I would go ahead and try flashing in that same Marvell firmware you used before, the AHCI one, but this time with the Marvell controller in AHCI mode. If that does not help, try an older version of the Marvell firmware.
When I asked about controller, yes, I'd like to know about both. Is Intel AHCI bootable with hard drives attached, and is Marvell ports bootable with hard drives attached, in AHCI mode, IDE mode, and RAID mode (you'll need two disks and a RAID created to test that, so probably not feasible).
Ohh, sorry, I reply as I read. So, BOTH Intel and Marvell contrllers function fine? In AHCI or IDE mode? Really? If so, then there is nothing wrong with yoru Marvell controller at all! And the flash probably went fine, you can verify the firmware version in windows with Marvell Tray installed, of from the Marvell RAID BIOS, set RAID on Intel and AHCI on Marvell, reboot and go back to the Marvell and set raid or enter the RAID ROM for it in the BIOS, version will also be shown there.
If both controllers are working properly, as it sounds like you are saying, then there is no controller or firmware issues. The memory issue would could be anything, and since you don't have other memory to test with you wont know if it's due to your memory until you can test other memory. The firmware cannot be incorrectly flashed if the Marvell controller is working properly, so it sounds like we are both maybe wasting time thinking about this as it sounds like it works from what you just said!
You are right, it's not very ideal that all of your memory went bad at once, but it would be nice if you could borrow a single stick from someone for testing. You are using ONLY the white slots correct? If you are testing 1, 2, or 3 sticks you must use the white slots only. Just saying, I know you probably are because otherwise it's usually not bootable in the blue slots unless the white ones are already full.
Hope Pierre will reply in depth to my questions above, so I can consider flashing to test this for you! It's not that I wont or don't want to test, I'd just rather not get out the board, remove my current board, setup the other, ect all for nothing if you have already properly flashed the firmware and it's installed as expected, or would rather not do all that if there is no way it can flash on these boards (IE you never had a firmware failure on flash because updater does not work on these boards, thus fail is impossible) Hard to say because he said you can't do it, then next reply he said you can on 9128 UD5 boards which is the same chip and PCB as UD7 boards. So hope he will confirm yes or no, and you confirm my thoughts on your firmware flash actually taking, because it sounds a lot like it did properly now from all your comments tonight.
Please install Marvell Tray and then look in these sections and see what firmware you have installed, and tell us if any of it looks like the updated version you tried flashing, or confirm within the BIOS RAID module itself in the Integrated Peripherals section