Official GIGABYTE Forum

GA-Z68XP-UD4 Sleep Issue

GA-Z68XP-UD4 Sleep Issue
« on: March 18, 2012, 02:26:41 pm »
Hi, Guys
          My first post I have a stable overclock of 4.5 GHz (stressed tested) when I put my system into sleep mode upon waking the core clock drops to 1.6 GHz and loading all cores 100% does not boost the core clock but stays at 1.6 GHz.
I have originally disabled C3/C6, C1 & CPU phase lock loop settings (reset these to auto had no effect either). have the F5 bios applied and did notice that there is a beta for F6 bios update available with a reported "power on issue" fix. Does anybody have knowledge of what the power on issue it is relating to (other OEMs list a PDF download providing detailed information relating to what that bios update issue fixes which would be nice).
I come from an electronics engineering background in consumer electronics (providing tech support for OEM product service providers progressing into IT an systems) so emailed Gigabyte Tech support and feel am getting the "carbon based life form auto response" form that they fill in the blanks. ??? Attributing the problem to ram, try different CPU etc, etc but no way entertaining may need a bios fix ::)  >:( After seeing a number of reports with this same mobo issue thought their response would be Gigabyte are aware of the problem and are working on a bios update to address this problem not the diplomatic protected answer.
This issue only happens with sleep mode if use hibernation the core clock remains at the overclocked settings.

Have searched the web and noticed quite a few people are reporting this same issue surely I can not be the only person emailing Gigabyte tech support reporting this same issue with this model mobo. this link has a lot of links to the various forums like Tweak Town, Toms Hardware and others with this same mobo issue.
As a last test will download the latest F6 bios load the optimized bios settings and test then load my flash drive saved overclock bios settings to see what happens. You would assume if it were to do with overclock that would get a few reboot loops.
Has anybody have this same problem or know if there is a fix.
Unfortunately have lost both my legs to diabetes so had to retire young a couple of years ago and took up video and photo editing and would like to be able to use the sleep function so can finish projects the next day.
If i can not find a fix then a last resort would be to re enable hibernation as my C drive is an SSD so booting is not a problem I run a 1TB  HDD for a lot of program files and the obligatorily menu bar bar link libraries in this drive to save SSD space in addition, as I have saved space in the SSD  it has 68 gig of free space I can afford to loose 4 gig for hibernation mode.  :(
Any help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated  :D
My NLE All-rounder
Mobo: GA-Z68XP-UD4
CPU: I7-2600K
Cooler: Antec H2O-920 Liquid
GPU: Asus GTX 660Ti 2GB OC Edition 
RAM:Corsair Vengeance 16 Gig DDR3-1600
C: Corsair 240 Gig GT SSD
Storage 9TB RAID
Optical 1: LG 12LS38 BluRay Combo
Optical2: Pioneer DVR219
PSU: ThermalTake XT 875W 80 plus


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    • Gigabyte Support (TweakTown USA)
Re: GA-Z68XP-UD4 Sleep Issue
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2012, 06:34:32 am »
The power on issue is related to boot loops and power cycles when starting the board, those BIOS updates update the embedded Intel ME firmware, and are highly suggested!

It is also suggest that with all BIOS updates performed on P67/Z68 that you also update the backup BIOS to match the same version as the main BIOS.  To do that follow this guide, you may need to use PS/2 keyboard or USB to PS/2 adapter

As for your sleep issue, disable CPU PLL Overvoltage and that might sort it out, otherwise your system may not be as stable as you thought it was.   System must be 100% tested stable to be able to resume from sleep properly, but it could also be a old BIOS bug or related to not having matching BIOSes, so please update to the latest BIOS as mentioned above and then try again.

DO NOT use saved BIOS profiles from one version of a BIOS to another.   And keep in mind when changing BIOS versions you cannot always use the same exact settings between versions as many things are often changed internally.   So you may need to tweak and test, tweak some more, ect until you get stable again on the new BIOS.

Very sorry to hear about your legs!!!!!!!!!

Yes, if you can't get it going then hibernation may be a good choice, or just shut down and bootup when needed, it only takes a little bit to start up anyway.

16GB of memory probably does not help the sleep issue either.   Raising the memory voltage might help with that, but not sure as that is a lot of memory to keep stable during sleep.  Do you have these issues if you only use 8GB? Just wondering if you've tested that

Dark Mantis

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Re: GA-Z68XP-UD4 Sleep Issue
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2012, 09:57:21 am »
As Lsdmeasap just mentioned a lot of memory doesn't help with sleep mode but I can understand that because of what you use the computer for (audio and video editing) that more memory is better. Your system must be 100% stable to use sleep mode successfully.
Gigabyte X58A-UD7
i7 920
Dominators 1600 x6 12GB
6970 2GB
256GB SSD, Sam 1TB, WDB320GB
HAF 932

Gigabyte Z68X-UD5-B3
i7 3770K
Vengeance 1600 16GB
6950 2GB
Revo Drive x2, 1.5TB WDB RAID0
16x DLRW
StrikeX S7
Full water cooling
3 x 27" Iiy

Re: GA-Z68XP-UD4 Sleep Issue
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2012, 08:27:21 pm »
Hi Guys
              Thank you for the replies today received an email from Gigabyte requesting my MB serial number & MB bios screen images so they can further investigate

Re the amount of ram used have seen other posts with the same issue and only 4 gig of installed ram.
All the post have seen all appears to have the 4.5 Gig overclock.
My overclock settings are
Disabled following settings : CPU PLL over voltage
                                                 : CPU Enhanced C1E,
                                                 : C3/C6
                                                 : CPU EIST (left the CPU Thermal monitor on auto)
                              Adjustments : V core voltage set to 1.350V
                                                 : Multi Step set to level 5
                                                 : Memory Dram Voltage set to 1.51
                                                 : Ram set to XMP profile 1 
Since it may be attributable to the ram is it worth some slight tweaking here to see if it may fix the sleep problem.
XMP Profile 1 settings are
I am hesitant to adjust the ram timings as I know the damage that happens with bad adjustments.
After I disable the XMP Profile & set performance enhance to turbo, time select SPD to quick & set SPD multiplier to 1600.
Would adjusting the Dram voltage setting up a little more to 1.53V be aid in stability 
With a slight tweaking to the timings then that of XMP profile especially the red ones that have the greatest affect to the stability be a help. 

So all you hard core gamers who love tweaking their ram & some have advice or criticisms to the settings that I have above or should just leave it to the rams stored XMP  Profile to manage.
Thanking you in advance  for any help or advice. Would be nice to have another rig that would not worry me if it crashed and burned to gain some ram tweaking experience on.
Have a great day
Have a great day
My NLE All-rounder
Mobo: GA-Z68XP-UD4
CPU: I7-2600K
Cooler: Antec H2O-920 Liquid
GPU: Asus GTX 660Ti 2GB OC Edition 
RAM:Corsair Vengeance 16 Gig DDR3-1600
C: Corsair 240 Gig GT SSD
Storage 9TB RAID
Optical 1: LG 12LS38 BluRay Combo
Optical2: Pioneer DVR219
PSU: ThermalTake XT 875W 80 plus


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    • Gigabyte Support (TweakTown USA)
Re: GA-Z68XP-UD4 Sleep Issue
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2012, 12:05:08 pm »
Can you please test with 8GB only and see if you still have the issue, thanks!

Just a tip, with 8-16GB of memory, you may need to increase QPI/Vtt 1.14-1.2+, and System Agent may need 1.14-1.24

If this kit was not sold as a whole (16GB kit), then XMP should not be used, as the XMP would be for 8GB kit if you bought two 8GB kits

Lowering memory timings, like you have in Red above, are not going to help.   If you wanted to see if any of that would help you need to raise them not lower.   You also need to verify the actual applied auto setting in windows with AIDA64 (In Motherboard, chipset, then NB) as the settings you see in the BIOS on the left are not what is actually used 99.9% of the time.   So check actual value in windows for auto, then raise above that in the BIOS if you want to try other settings.

Higher tRFC may help (140-160), and higher tRC might help too, as well as command rate 2T. Write Latency 8-9 should be fine.   I think Auto will probably be fine, but you can raise these mentioned to see if it helps, if not then adjust the voltages mentioned above as well as a little bump in ram voltage, and then if you get it working you can try to lower memory timings back down.

Re: GA-Z68XP-UD4 Sleep Issue
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2012, 07:21:47 pm »
Hi, Lsdmesup
                    Thank you for the reply.
I originally had set the QPI to 1.151 and with the last Bios update left that setting on auto (as sleep issue was with the volts set) when going through the overclock settings (after the last update is first time copied that bin file to the usb flash drive so will go back to manually overclocking)
When I flash with the bios F6 firmware update. Will try with the 8 gig of ram only and let you know if it resolves the issue.
I always buy my ram in kits not 2 kits but one complete kit of ram as I know the kit is matched tested set of ram modules.
As I am not a gamer (want the extra ram for my 64 bit editing software to use that 32 bit has the 3 gig mathematical limit) I have never been bothered to tweak ram but will look around for a cheap system to try to get some experience so if it crashes and burns wont be a loss.

Been looking into the new Ivy-bridge and seeing reporting won't over clock as easy as sandy-bridge without some serious cooling options like phase shift or liquid nitrogen cooling (seen around 100c reports 95c when using prime) so will be a wait and see game after Fridays reported June release of the new unlocked Ivy-bridge I7 & I5 chips are overclocked and see what the extra will so for my encoding to see if will be worth the spend
My NLE All-rounder
Mobo: GA-Z68XP-UD4
CPU: I7-2600K
Cooler: Antec H2O-920 Liquid
GPU: Asus GTX 660Ti 2GB OC Edition 
RAM:Corsair Vengeance 16 Gig DDR3-1600
C: Corsair 240 Gig GT SSD
Storage 9TB RAID
Optical 1: LG 12LS38 BluRay Combo
Optical2: Pioneer DVR219
PSU: ThermalTake XT 875W 80 plus

Re: GA-Z68XP-UD4 Sleep Issue
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2012, 07:32:24 pm »
Sorry my bad for the miss spell lsdmeasap  ::) thought you were using an acronym for the LSD hence my spelling error Lsdmesup my apologies  ;D 
My NLE All-rounder
Mobo: GA-Z68XP-UD4
CPU: I7-2600K
Cooler: Antec H2O-920 Liquid
GPU: Asus GTX 660Ti 2GB OC Edition 
RAM:Corsair Vengeance 16 Gig DDR3-1600
C: Corsair 240 Gig GT SSD
Storage 9TB RAID
Optical 1: LG 12LS38 BluRay Combo
Optical2: Pioneer DVR219
PSU: ThermalTake XT 875W 80 plus


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Re: GA-Z68XP-UD4 Sleep Issue
« Reply #7 on: March 21, 2012, 09:24:46 am »
Any luck with the 8GB test?   Just checking in :D  And no worries about how anyone spells my name!  

I am using it as you thought, hence the Mad Hatter Avatar :D :)

Here's a closer look / better image :)  

« Last Edit: March 21, 2012, 09:26:28 am by Lsdmeasap »

Re: GA-Z68XP-UD4 Sleep Issue
« Reply #8 on: March 21, 2012, 02:14:19 pm »
   No have not tried 8 Gig Ram yet. Like the Avarta since lost the pegs NN changed from tiny (196 cm) to hence Budda [sic] and a few of the forums use a Buddha for my Avitar my missus recons should go and get certified as a speed hump.
My Asus GPU all of a sudden SH*#T itself (It was only Oc'd 10 % lasted 2 weeks) Supplier sending new card.
Have my old Gainward GTX550Ti in a the moment when the new card shows up and when have a chance will do and let you know.
Also getting little worried about my Force 3 SSD (its s/n 113*) last few days have had a couple BSOD's (I thought corsair had finally fixed the SF2281 Bug) it has been running flawless for 6 months crash once on web 2 days ago nothing else running and today on editing a photo. It freezes (but cursor still moves and tries to launch task manager was going to try and kill the photo edit program). Happens a few times more will ring my supplier and Exch for a Corsair GT (twice as fast as the force 3 have not as many reported BSOD problems) or go with other another OEM (plenty out there with same SF2281bug). Do you use SSD system drive or have any recommendations. Shame my supplier does not stock the Crucial m4
My NLE All-rounder
Mobo: GA-Z68XP-UD4
CPU: I7-2600K
Cooler: Antec H2O-920 Liquid
GPU: Asus GTX 660Ti 2GB OC Edition 
RAM:Corsair Vengeance 16 Gig DDR3-1600
C: Corsair 240 Gig GT SSD
Storage 9TB RAID
Optical 1: LG 12LS38 BluRay Combo
Optical2: Pioneer DVR219
PSU: ThermalTake XT 875W 80 plus


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    • Gigabyte Support (TweakTown USA)
Re: GA-Z68XP-UD4 Sleep Issue
« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2012, 05:35:56 pm »
Well when you get time please test 8GB, as I bet the issue is with the larger amount of memory, and if it works with 8GB you may just need to further tweak the 16GB to get it working.

I use C300 SSD's, no problems with those ever.

Haha, you lost me on your comments about the avatar :D
Like the Avarta since lost the pegs NN changed from tiny (196 cm) to hence Budda [sic] and a few of the forums use a Buddha for my Avitar my missus recons should go and get certified as a speed hump.

I know about Budda, but unsure what you meant about "pegs NN changed from tiny (196 cm)"

Re: GA-Z68XP-UD4 Sleep Issue
« Reply #10 on: March 22, 2012, 09:46:52 pm »
Liked the look of your Mad-Hatter Avatar. Was impressed with the Johnny Depp's performance ;D in the remake he nailed to a tee with what I believe Lewis Carrol's interpretation in his great book.

Re the "NN" (Nickname) I was quite tall 6 foot 5  I played rugby in my younger days (oh so long ago) and my nickname was "Tiny".

 Re "Pegs" (Aussie slang for legs) Due to diabetes have misplaced both my legs & now am only 3 foot 2 so my nickname evolved to Buddha (I had to drop the H to get that for user name on some forums and use to use a Buddha avatar that found years ago sort looked my me) my missus calls me a certified speed hump.  ::)  :-*

Lost my first leg a week before my 40th (was fitted for a below knee prosthetic leg) and my second 3 years later. 2010 had to have further amputation to a above knee on the first leg lost. I have finally made the decision and going through rehab and having prosthesis's made and learn to walk again after a number of years (of having the sh..ts with the whole political process with our health system here to get legs so didn't bother for so long).
Spoke to my supplier on the SSD they are going to change it and decided to go for the Corsair 240 Gig GT drive (prices have started to drop quite a bit here on some of the SSDs over the last couple of months from $487 to to the $360 mark they say they may even get to the $1 per GB by the end of 2012)
When the new Asus GPU card arrives will try with just 8 gig ram and try.

By the way received a strange request from Gigabyte now want my CPU and RAM mess serial numbers  ??? Can understand with the RAM (their module support listings are sparse and outdated) but CPU is a normal SKU D2 stepping I7-2600K  :-\
My NLE All-rounder
Mobo: GA-Z68XP-UD4
CPU: I7-2600K
Cooler: Antec H2O-920 Liquid
GPU: Asus GTX 660Ti 2GB OC Edition 
RAM:Corsair Vengeance 16 Gig DDR3-1600
C: Corsair 240 Gig GT SSD
Storage 9TB RAID
Optical 1: LG 12LS38 BluRay Combo
Optical2: Pioneer DVR219
PSU: ThermalTake XT 875W 80 plus


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    • Gigabyte Support (TweakTown USA)
Re: GA-Z68XP-UD4 Sleep Issue
« Reply #11 on: March 23, 2012, 04:33:42 pm »
Haha, thanks!   Ya, I just got kind of lost in your comment I guess, and since I'm not from your area some of the slang wasn't helping me try and figure it out :)

Man, I'm sorry again about what happened!  That's sucks!! :(  But you seem to be in good spirits about it now, so that's good to hear!

It's nice that you're going to rehab and getting prosthetics, that'll be so cool for you to be able to walk again, I couldn't imagine how that would be not being able to walk!  So I hope that goes smoothly for you, and you start walking again easy and soon!

Nice to hear the supplier will exchange your SSD's for you, that's cool of them!

They probably want the serial numbers to verify CPU stepping, and what IC's are used on the memory.  That sounds normal to me, so nothing to worry about there, send the info to them as it may help them try to diagnose the issue.

Re: GA-Z68XP-UD4 Sleep Issue
« Reply #12 on: March 24, 2012, 07:34:52 am »
Hi, Lsdmeasap
                     Today after your advice tried a few different settings left my BCKL Freq set to 1002 = 100.2 MHz Set QPI to 1.150 and Dram Volts to 1.515V manually set ram SPD to the 1600 instead of Auto and left set to XMP Profile
And sleep function now works fine. Core Temp displays after wake-up now Frequency 4501.48MHz 100.3x45  ;D instead of x16 as it was displaying before when waking from sleep mode
With QPI first test thought set to 1.150V (unless I had a brain fart and set 1.500 but with 1.2 being max Vtt) Dram 1.525V When came out of sleep core temp was displaying Freq 7.600.xx MHz 200x38 (which has to be a strange error otherwise goodby system and the old radio engineers motto: "tune for maximum smoke" with a 200MHz internal base clock freq) booted back into Bios and multiplier had changed to 38 but base clock freq displayed my original setting 100.2 MHz.  ??? So went through and manually input my settings again.

If I was rich would love to watch a system go poof and see what happens when I and if able to set the core clock to the 200Mhz (should have taken a screen shot but did not want of chance fate in case it was actually correct).

So now over the next few days will do a couple of 12 plus hour stress testing if OK will leave those setting or change them by small increments till stable

I gave Gigabyte the Corsair ram kit number but will send them what they asked for and what settings have used when I am satisfied it is stable will attach the prime log

Received email from Paragon yesterday I have used their product for years (made sure that have downloaded and saved to a number of discs all of my WinPE boot images
"You own a Paragon product with the WinPE recovery environment. We would like to inform you that Microsoft has changed its license conditions, (probably want buckets loads more money) meaning that we will no longer be allowed to offer you the Paragon WinPE as of March 30, 2012." (Billy Gates was still smarting and a sore loser from his stoush with IBM and the DOS licensing fiasco that was the cause of Vista to be a lame dog  ::)) I wonder how many other companies as well.
  :o  >:(  Bill probably thinks "Paybacks a Bitch" and this is thrill from the sidelines

So today found this "Don’t worry: you won’t have to do without the convenience of the Paragon WinPE medium that you’re used to. After April 1st, 2012, you can download the Paragon Boot Media Builder which will help you conveniently create your own WinPE CD, DVD or USB stick yourself."    :)  :D  :)  8)
They must have known something was in the wind
My NLE All-rounder
Mobo: GA-Z68XP-UD4
CPU: I7-2600K
Cooler: Antec H2O-920 Liquid
GPU: Asus GTX 660Ti 2GB OC Edition 
RAM:Corsair Vengeance 16 Gig DDR3-1600
C: Corsair 240 Gig GT SSD
Storage 9TB RAID
Optical 1: LG 12LS38 BluRay Combo
Optical2: Pioneer DVR219
PSU: ThermalTake XT 875W 80 plus


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    • Gigabyte Support (TweakTown USA)
Re: GA-Z68XP-UD4 Sleep Issue
« Reply #13 on: March 24, 2012, 06:42:54 pm »
Awesome to hear you got sleep working smoothly now, that's great!!  So, is that with all 16GB too?

Haha, it would just fail to boot if you set 200 Bclk, nothing dangerous about that.  Sometimes it could get stuck in a loop though, so you'd have to clear the CMOS to fix it.

Sorry to hear about your paragon issue, that's odd to hear!   Time to switch to macrium reflect now! :D  Ohh, ya, or use the new tool they are offering!

Sorry this is short, I'm in a hurry as I have to leave in a few!

Re: GA-Z68XP-UD4 Sleep Issue
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2012, 05:41:59 pm »
Hi, Lsdmeasap
  Yes that was with the full 16 gig of ram.
I had read by increasing the QPI helps with core temps as I have noticed in this case. With ambient temp 26c with a stress test loaded 100% all cores the highest max temp was 67c after 2 hours which have found is 7c cooler (same ambient temps) than when left QPI on auto.

 The Antec Khuler H2O 920 (had the 620 ran OK and quiet but disappointed with no user controls so exchanged for the 920 model) is a good bit of kit made by the same OEM (Asetek Inc) as for Corsairs coolers (Corsair do not have software but believe that was suppose to happen eventually. But the Corsairs water-block has a momentary switch to select between 3 modes quiet middle and extreme unfortunately with Corsair with extreme mode setting you need ear plugs) the Antec is quieter & comes with great piece of software so as to control the water blocks electronics.
The Antec's 620 model doesn't when you consider these were designed when CPU TDP's were 130c so the fan ramp up (single for this model but I had 2 in push pull config in addition, the fans are DC not PWM control) point for the coolers liquid took longer to reach due to the 95c TDP of Sandy Bridge you really need to be able to control the water blocks pump (so the liquid stays longer in the block to draw away the heat form the CPU) &  radiator fans even at CPU 67c core temps the GUI of the software displays the liquid temp as 36c and fan noise is whisper quiet with my settings. When the ambient temp gets over 30c can adjust so the fans run a little faster to help with those hot days. The only negative is you only have one custom setting it would be nice to be able to store 3
Regards Budda [sic]
My NLE All-rounder
Mobo: GA-Z68XP-UD4
CPU: I7-2600K
Cooler: Antec H2O-920 Liquid
GPU: Asus GTX 660Ti 2GB OC Edition 
RAM:Corsair Vengeance 16 Gig DDR3-1600
C: Corsair 240 Gig GT SSD
Storage 9TB RAID
Optical 1: LG 12LS38 BluRay Combo
Optical2: Pioneer DVR219
PSU: ThermalTake XT 875W 80 plus