Hi Buddah!

Haha, beers can be made cold VERY quickly with some dry ice and water!

I do dry in benching too, if you want to see some images of those types of setups I've posted in the past let me know and I'll link you up!
Na, my favorite color is blue actually! And I hate that red motherboard tray on my case, but I can't find a blue one and they wont sell me one as they quit making them in that color, so I'm going to have to order a clear, smoked, or black one just haven't decided yet.
The phase change unit is custom built by a well known phase change and cascade builder (SDumper) over at XS and OCN forums, I'm not certain of the gas used as it's his custom mix. It's tuned for decent temps under high watt 300W loads, so yes it could be smaller unit, or colder temps, but those things affect how the unit handles a heavy heat load too, so it's tuned properly and built correctly for it's designed purpose - freezing CPU's!

It idles around -45C and under 5Ghz load at 1.5-1.6V it only hits about -38C. Other units tuned differently may run -50 through -60C, but they they drop to -25 / -30 under heavy loads, so we built this unit with a middle of the road design in mind.
Yes, he does build and put them into cases too, he works for CoolerExpress building all kinds of units. I just didn't want a cased unit because it was expensive enough already!

If you change out parts a lot, memory, gfx, motherboards, ect then you'll love a open bench like the Torture rack! You may also want to look at DimasTech bench tables, those are very nice as well but more $$
Ya, they come with all accessories like you mention, switches and all that.
I am aware of the SSD ATTO write issues, and have informed Gigabyte and they know already too of course, so fixes are slowly rolling out as they get them done!
As for your last post, that depends on what temp you were looking at too, and if the image was taken under load, idle, ect!
On the phase unit there is a small blue box that reads temps, that lead is connected to the head of the evaportator at the end of the phase change sleeve right where it connects to the CPU. In some of the images above there is a black temp guage too, that may be connected to the phase unit as well, mid-line, or could have also been directly connected to my dry ice pot for the CPU or memory, depending on which bench result or thread images you are looking at.
Same for the CPU/Memory questions, it all depends on what thread you were looking at, as I've froze it all

Normal temps for my phase are -45 or so Idle and -36 / -38 under full load. Normal temps for my CPU dry ice pot are -74 idle and around -65 / -70 under load, depending on the CPU and the load, I use dry ice and acetone when benching like that. And for memory, the memory temp sensor is usually right on the memory IC's, and that pot usually get's my memory down to around -40 / -45C, depending on the voltage and load I apply to the memory.
Frequency-wise for CPU the highest I've got before was pretty good with a few CPU's, for dry ice anyway.
X58 Bclk world record, taken down by someone who posted only 0.06 higher Bclk and didn't include a video so it could have been a bugged result, I can't believe they let him take that from me without video for proof as I added (Because those results can easily be bugged CPU-s results)
3Ghz memory speed (same as above I think, sorry just digging through my started threads)
6Ghz on P55
http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?257894-Mushkin-998679-2768Mhz-Dice-Action-W-6Ghz-Inside-Personal-PI-RecordSome 5.5 and 6.2Ghz in my X58-OC review here too
http://www.xtremesystems.org/forums/showthread.php?273702-Review-Gigabyte-GA-X58A-OC-Feat.-4.8-5GHz-Testing-Vs.-UD7-amp-9182-6GB-sI think that's about it for my max results, I can link you to other less than dry ice benching threads if you want, and you can also check out all my reviews linked in my signature at the above forum as many of those will have extreme results in them too.