I have 16gigs (4x4gig) of Corsair Vengeance CMZ8GX3M2A1600C9
I have been having problems waking from sleep mode as well as some memory management and PFN_LIST_CORRUPT BSODs. I've tried the 6 most recent drivers for my video card and have the same issues so im inclined to think that it might be my memory timings and voltages.
My motherboard is an unclocked GIGABYTE GA-X79-UD3 with the latest F10 BIOS. When I load Optimized defaults my RAM timings are 9-9-11-24 1333mhz 1.5v and 1t command rate. I looked up my rams serial number and went to the Corsair website and changed my BIOS's default memory timings to the recommend 9-9-9-24 1.6v (i decided to raise the voltage since im running 4x4, im not sure if that will help it or not) enabled XMP profile which raise my frequency to 1600mhz and I also changed command rate to a more stable 2t. Ever since I did this I went from about a 50% chance to resume from S3 sleep mode to a 90-95% chance to resume, so those settings did make progress. My BSOD's while gaming and surfing the web have also been greatly lowered.
My main question is about the voltages and timings, what do you think of them as far as stability? Would you have any recommendations as far as increasing stability? Thanks.