Hello and welcome.
First up make sure that you have your ram in the correct two slots. Some times when we are in a hurry to built our new system (ooo so shiny

) it is easy to make slips like that. If you are not sure then look in the manual for the slot placement. The UD3R manual also recommends that you have the ram in two particular slots and not just in any dual channel slots if I recall correctly.
Right once that is sorted go into bios and set all at optimum settings and reboot. Download the latest bios and flash. If at all possible do not use the windows application, I know it works but I hear far to many horror stories about flashing in windows problems to trust it.
Once the flash is done then you should be good to go. Lets get to that point and thereafter we can tweak your system up to the spec of the ram - that good for you mate?