Look on the bright side of things.
Windows 7 by default has the proper drivers for most of the devices and they work.
Sometimes the AMD SATA ones may bring a slight performance increase but some other times may cause you BSOD-s.
As long as you choose the right video card driver and sound card driver you should be ok.
Chipset drivers are not really needed the windows generic ones work fine.
If you download the official AMD drivers you may notice that almost nothing is installed ,except some useless USB filter driver.
Why would they update the package if the older is perfectly fine and identical ?!
I am personally disappointed by the rare BIOS updates more than the lack of drivers updates on my motherboard.
LE:As you can see i own and As.. product ,an audio card .Please take a look at the number of drivers released for it and how many are WHQL.Try the card to see how useless the control panel is.
Worst aquisition i have made in my life.