Hey everyone. I am completely lost when it comes to anything related to BIOS. I have never flashed it or updated it before, I don't even know if those are two different things or one in the same. I am not a complete computer newb, it is just for some reason this has never came up. But recently a couple of games have been giving me issue, which is to say they freeze and reboot my whole computer. After extensive searching it appears the issue is with my BIOS and my CPU, I guess there is a conflict or something? Not sure. I just noticed other people having the same problems on various forums, they where told to update their BIOS and the problem was solved. Unfortunately no one ever went into detail on how to go about that, the actually updating part. Which brings me here.
I have a 990XA-UD3 Gigabyte MOBO, and a AMD FX 8 core processor. I don't know what other information is relevant so I will leave my specs with that. I don't know what Bios to get, what to do with it, or anything. On other forums it has been mentioned there is a alpha patch that was put out by Gigabyte that resolved the BSOD with Shogun Total War 2 ( thats on of the games that prompted me into doing this) I have also read that people have simply updated there Bios in order to fix the BSOD for Counter Strike Global Offensive ( the other game I get BSOD on) other then those two games I have had real issues to date.
In short I just need to know what I need, where to get it, and what to do with it. I have gone on Gigabytes main site, tried that download manager thing, but it never does anything just simply says Wait for Download Agent ( or something like that) Just never gets past that or does anything. It is that browser based app if anyone is wondering.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.