Just to mention I've read hell lot of posts and forums but yet to get an answer.
My specs are mentioned below as signature.
I recently upgraded from a Core2Duo and DDR2 setup, where I used 4GB RAM with full 4GB usable.
Now, DDR3 seems to create problem or may be the H55 chipset series.
Gigabyte H55m-d2h mobo has no 'memory remap' option and onboard graphics option set to 'disable if ext PEG' [Note: no 'disable always' option available].
I'm getting 3.87GB usable RAM only.(Its kinda annoying. I want the rest 128MB please !!

Though i do not believe in WEI, neway it rated 5.9 (initially it was 6.4 for 4GB DDR2)
please help me, how can I get full 4GB RAM usable.
Will another 4GB RAM resolve the problem means will I get full 8GB usable RAM then or some of it will again get reserved.
And one more thing, for users of this particular mobo
i'm not getting the 'On-Chip Frame Buffer Size' option under Advanced BIOS features in BIOS settings.I have got the latest BIOS version flashed, even I flashed with the prev version n then again with the newer.
All drivers are up-to-date.
OS: Windows 8 Consumer preview 64-bit
Please help me, please
thanks in advance