Official GIGABYTE Forum

Computer turns on and off.

Computer turns on and off.
« on: September 20, 2012, 04:41:14 pm »
Gigabyte x58A-UD3R
12Gb Hyperam

Hey guys.

I've recently had some issues with my PC. I built it last Christmas and it has been fine until the last month or so. Initially it began to become very slow in games with 5-15 fps which was just unplayable. I did not understand why this was as it had been fine for so long. It also started completely freezing with no BSOD or anything about twice a day and I had to manually restart it.

Eventually I decided to open it up and give it a clean (even though it had been cleaned about 2 months prior to this and wasn't really in need of another clean). This is where I have to admit some stupidity. I had taken the side of my case off just to have a look to see how dusty it was (not very), I then put my hand in to push on the RAM sticks to make sure they were seated porperaly. A wristband I had been wearing then caught on one of the fans of my Noctua CPU cooler and one of the blades snapped off. The lack of a fan blade made the cooler very unstable and it began to wobble so I was holding it down with one hand and turning off my computer with another before it tore itself apart. Surprisingly it seemed OK as I took off the broken fan (ordered a new one) and rebooted. The next morning when I pressed the power button it would no longer boot. It turns on for about 2 seconds and then turns off... after another couple of seconds it turns itself back on... and then off and it will just keep doing this until I flick the switch on the power supply to stop it.

Now I thought I better mention my moment of stupidity as it may have contributed to the problem but as the computer booted fine and was having issues before any of this I don't think it is what has caused my problem.

Anyway, I've treated the lack of boot as a seperate issue and have tried everything I can find online. I've taken out hard drives and graphics card, tried using one stick of RAM, reseated the CPU with new thermal paste and tried a different PSU (Amtec). I've also reset the CMOS. Nothing has worked. If I only plug the power into the motherboard and turn it on then it doesn't turn on and off but as soon as I plug in the power for the CPU then it starts doing it so I believe the problem is either the CPU or the motherboard but I can't figure out what and having a 1366 socket mobo/cpu combo makes it difficult for me to find another one to try.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.


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Re: Computer turns on and off.
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2012, 03:11:21 am »
That sounds like thermal shutdown to me, I would remove the cooler from the CPU and re apply thermal paste and reseat the cooler. Let us know how that goes.