I have the following hardware:
g33m-s2l (bios F2 and F3k)
Kingston ddr2 800MHz 4x1GB dual channel Interleaved.
When I try to overclock the motherboard resets OC settings at restart. I can overclock the memory without board reseting
values. when I try to overclock the processor the following happens: The comp reboots, it shows the processor running at
the speed i clocket it and when it reaches to memory check it reboots and resets the settings.
I have tried to disable features in bios and manual/auto voltages...nothing. I have tried with 1, 2 and 4 modules installed.
Also tried 667 memories...same thing.
I tried to overclockunder Windows using Easy Tune 5 Pro. Used the easy settings and reached 2.8GHz somethings.
What could cause the resetting at boot?