Hi All
As you know (I hope

) GIGABYTE motherboards are very well known for their reliability and longevity. Therefore
show us the pictures of your STILL WORKING AND FUNCTIONAL motherboard. At least these photos will be required to be posted as your reply here:
- the whole PC which has installed GIGABYTE motherboard (it should be working !)
- model name of the motherboard
- serial number (SN)
More pictures and your comments like what do you use it for

(i.e. typing machine, internet browser, old games) are more than welcomed.

The required serial number (for old motherboards) is usually located on or near the CPU socket or last PCI slot on a white strip of sticker with a barcode, see below pictures.

There should be 10 or 12 digits following the letters "SN" on the sticker. Examples: SN0212101492, SN081600803517
The winner (one with the oldest working mobo) will be awarded with GIGABYTE PSU, some nice giveaways (shown in the below post) and 2 GB pendrive!Competition closes end of May so you have enough time to find the oldest mobo. You can always check with your family, friends & neighbours. So let's start!
P.S. This competition is valid for users from UK and Ireland only.