I don't know how much research you have done into the problem you have but I found on the "Legends" website the following regarding low FPS and it says just what I did to start with about too high settings.
Low FPS Troubleshooting
Last Updated
19th of March, 2010
The most common cause of low FPS in League of Legends is high in-game video settings. To lower your video settings:
Start a practice game of League of Legends
After entering the game, open the League of Legends Options menu at the bottom of the screen, or simply press Esc
Select the Video menu
In the Video option menu, under Settings, set to Custom
You can change the video settings for: Character Quality, Enviroment Quality, Effects Quality, and Shadows. The lower the settings you choose, the more your FPS should increase. The settings that affect FPS most noticeably are Shadows and Environment Quality.
Another common solution to low FPS problems is to update your video card drivers.
Framerate Normalization Settings
In the video options menu, the setting labeled "Frame Rate Cap" can be used to prevent unexpected dips in framerate by attempting to smooth out the game's performance. By default, the option is set to “Benchmark” which means that all framerate smoothing is disabled. Other settings have the following behavior:
Stable – This attempts to detect and maintain a stable framerate above 25fps. Players may experience a slightly lower maximum framerate, but fluctuations should be less.
High – This option also detects the low and high framerates and attempts to normalize the performance, but at a higher FPS than the “Stable” option.
25/30/60/80 – These options allow the player to control the target framerate the smoothing process will attempt to achieve.
FPS Drop in Windowed Mode
In the Video Option menu in game, there is an option to run the game in Windowed mode. Windowed mode often results in a significant drop in FPS. If you are running the game in Windowed mode, and experiencing poor FPS, it is recommended that you disable Windowed mode. Additionally, if you're using dual monitors, running Windowed mode on the secondary monitor may result in a noticeable drop in FPS. Try to keep the League of Legends window on the primary monitor.
Common programs that can lower League of Legends performance
There are a number of programs that can cause poor frame rate or latency if left open while running League of Legends. Closing these programs may improve your game's performance. These programs include:
Anti-virus scanners
Webpage browsers
Streaming audio and video
Some common examples of these programs: McAfee Anti-Virus scanner, Mozilla Firefox web browser, and Pandora streaming audio. Game Requirements
Video Card must support shader model 2.0. Models that support this are listed below.
- nvidia: GeForce 5 or better
- ati: any 9xxx after and not
including the 9250, any Xxxx after and including the X300
- intel: no clue, if you have an idea let me know
One of the more common problems and usually one of the easiest to resolve is graphics driver issues. Many times the problems can be resolved by installing the latest drivers for your video card
One point to make sure is clear, as of this time the graphics engine is not completely optimized for performance. In my experience this is one of the last things to get done prior to release.
ATTENTION ALL MOBILE USERS: currently there are known issues with most mobile graphics solutions. Most users do not have problems with the mobile solution so long as they have the updated drivers. But this does not mean that you will not have any issues. I do not have all the details other than this is on Riot's to do list.
If you are not sure what kind of video card you have 2 solutions.
1. go to the manufacturers website and look it up
2. click start -> run and type in dxdiag and hit enter. Click on the display tab and it will have the info you need.
If you have an nVidia based solution please go to the link below. If you have patience it will try to autodetect what you have. If it cant use the dxdiag info to select the correct driver
http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-usIf you have an ATI solution use the following link
http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/Pages/index.aspxnotes on ATI cards: If you have an older model please use the link to get your driver. DO NOT just download the latest catalyste suite as it will only update the software side of things and will not include the updated driver
If you have an other card, usually intel, please use your manufacturers website to get the latest driver. If you are pretty savvy with searches you can do a search through google.com or some other search engine. Just make sure you get what applies to your graphics solution. Installing incorrect drivers can cause undesirable effects that may take a proffessional to fix.
As of the writing of this post SLI is NOT SUPPORTED. If you choose to enable SLI you will most likely experience application crashes or potentially system crashes during gameplay. Most users have said they cannot even get the game to load before a crash. The plan is to support SLI in the future. But SLI users are considered the minority of players so SLI is on the back burner as an item that is considered "nice to have", but not required.
*Update* I have been informed that some users are not having problems with SLI. This may have been resolved in a recent patch
As far as I know LoL works with Crossfire. However this does not mean it has been optimized in any way shape or form and may still have issues with crossfire. However from my personal experience I have never had an issue.
FPS or Frames per Second is exactly what it says it is. This number is shown in the top right corner when you are in a game. In the past some users were able to get around and over 200 FPS with higher end machines (SLI and CrossFire), but recently to help trouble shoot some issues Riot has chosen to put a cap on on it.
Originally Posted by gruof01
The frame rate is now capped at 100fps. If you have vsync enabled it will cap at your monitor's refresh rate, probably 60fps.
There is also currently some anomalies that have the community does not currently know what causes them or a fix. This is primarily experienced in the form of a massive drop in FPS and a large spike in your latency. As I gather more information I will post a link to a possible fix later. For the time being it will need to suffice that Riot is aware of the issue and is working on a fix.
Hope this fixes it for you